FINISH the work God has given ‘you’ to do!
So the wall was completed on the 25th of Elul, in 52 days. Neh 6:15
The remnant had returned to Jerusalem, basically to a ruin. Nehemiah had the call of God on his life to rebuild the wall and set the gates in place. This involved much hard work and a lot of intimidation aimed at Nehemiah himself. Yet they persevered and completed the building of the wall, the gates not yet set in place.
Today, 16th September is 27 Elul on the Jewish Calendar, the month the work on the wall was finished! Has God spoken to you in the past to do something? This is the last month of the Jewish Year, a time to make amends and maybe for some to finish outstanding work? New year begins soon, on the night of 18 to 20 September. Don’t let this time pass without heeding what’s been spoken to you.
God bless and keep you.