Our ZEAL for the Lord; Wholehearted or Halfhearted? Neh 3 & 4

Our ZEAL for the LORD; Wholehearted or Halfhearted?

On the Spreaker broadcasts we have been going through the Book of Nehemiah, the man who had the vision to rebuild the wall and gates of Jerusalem. Seriously hard work and fierce opposition to that calling.

Baruch son of Zabbai ZEALOUSLY repaired another section of the wall…Neh 3:20. We know nothing about Baruch, EXCEPT HE WAS ‘ZEALOUS’. There are people in the Word of God that we know only one thing about, one brief mention and yet they are there in His Word. If God was going to include us in His Word, WHAT WOULD OUR WORD BE? Often in a family each child may be known by a nickname, something that those who know us very well use to identify us. What word or phrase would our LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER use to describe/characterise us or our service? The work of rebuilding was tough but something about this man Baruch stood out, he alone out of many was noted as ZEALOUS. His service had a noteworthy quality about it, many were working hard but the quality of his work was especially praised.

So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, FOR THE PEOPLE WORKED WITH ALL THEIR HEART. Neh 4:6 (We could say they worked zealously).

I know a Christian business man who built a business, actually several businesses from the ground up (like the wall), again lots of hard work and many problems. In their first factory at the front entrance to the building, they had a plaque on the wall with this text. Everyone who entered walked past it, including the staff and many non believers who called on business. This was the workplace and the people had to work together, in this case for the business to grow and develop. We as believers need to see God’s Kingdom coming to those around us and often that requires time and effort.

…WE ALL returned to the wall, EACH TO THEIR OWN WORK. Neh 4:15

All were needed to do the work, all had their part to play. The workers on the wall included Priests 3:1,2, Goldsmiths 3:8,31,32, Perfume Makers 3:8, Daughters of Shallum 3:12, Levites 3:17 and Merchants 3:32. Many of these people would never have chosen this hard physical labour, but their help was needed to do the work. During World War 2, many people, especially ladies, had to do work they’d never expected for the greater good.The Lord needs us all to work for Him in these days, to help with the work of the Kingdom and above all to be ZEALOUS FOR HIM.

May we all find our place, on the wall, to serve Him. May we hear the WORD He has for us, to encourage us.

God bless and keep you today.





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