I was cupbearer to the king(Artaxerxes, Persia). Neh 1:11
There are only two cupbearers that I can recall in Scripture (Nehemiah and while Joseph was in prison in Egypt), both had significant roles to play for God’s people.
The Book of Nehemiah begins with the words; In the month of Kislev (9th month, root word means hope/inheritance), so it seems God’s Timing was involved. In Joseph’s life in prison the cupbearer forgot Joseph UNTIL Pharaoh had his dreams. Gen 41 God had His Time for Joseph, hidden in jail, to be released and made ruler of all Egypt under Pharaoh. We too may have God’s Calling on our lives, but only God knows His Timing to bring us into the things He has for us.
Nehemiah was allowed to hear and know of the conditions of the Jews and Jerusalem through his own brother, Hanani and others from the Land. He was deeply moved by what he heard! Sometimes things that stir us deeply can be the Lord challenging us as to what we’re willing to do about a situation.
When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of Heaven. Neh 1:4
Nehemiah was deeply touched by the situation of God’s and his own people, but he took it before the Lord ‘FOR SOME DAYS’. It’s so important to seek God’s perspective on things that are moving our emotions! He prayed an anointed prayer and asked for favour BEFORE he decided to go to the king.
Nehemiah PRAYED and PREPARED before he went before the king, but he’s honest, ‘I was VERY MUCH AFRAID, but I said to the king…’. Neh 2:3 God was calling Nehemiah to help the Jews in Jerusalem, but he still felt the fear of going in front of a pagan ruler and asking permission to help his distant people.
He’d asked for favour and the king agreed to allow him to go and help his own people. ‘If it please the king, may I have letters to the governors and to Asaph, keeper of the king’ forest, so he will give me timber to make gates…’. Nehemiah had THE BOLDNESS to ask the king(a man of means) to provide help for his work. If God has opened a door for us then we too need to be BOLD IN OUR ASKING. We may not get exactly what we want but if we have the Favour of God He’ll see we get help. Be BOLD and EXPECT FAVOUR, it’s part of the confirmation. I’ve said before, there were no Prophetic Words to the exiles, they had to go forward in Faith in the rebuilding and thank God they did (Messiah could come).
The Steps of Nehemiah to go and help his people;
The TIMING WAS RIGHT(Kislev, hope/inheritance)
‘Very much afraid’, but ASKED IN HUMILITY the king/ruler for permission to leave and go to Jerusalem.
Asked with BOLDNESS FOR HELP to do the work.
May God give us all favour and blessing in what we’re being called to do for Him today.
May the Lord bless and keep us in His will.