God keeps showing up at key moments for His people!
“As surely as the Lord lives, WHO HAS DELIVERED ME OUT OF EVERY TROUBLE…Solomon shall be king after me”. 1 Kings 1:29
Absalom had tried to snatch the throne from David his father; just one of many threats in David’s life. Again we see an elderly King David(the enemy doesn’t stop just because we’re old or weakened, but God is faithful!) faced with another attack on the throne of Israel by his son Adonijah. David had sworn to Bathsheba that Solomon would be the succeed him as King. Solomon had a calling on his life to build the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. The enemy wanted to abort this at all costs but God wouldn’t allow it. David proclaimed that as surely as God had been his DELIVERER all his lifelong, Solomon was king.
Jacob/Israel was also coming to the end of his life, when Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed by his father.
May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the GOD WHO HAS BEEN MY SHEPHERD ALL MY LIFE TO THIS DAY, THE ANGEL WHO HAS DELIVERED ME FROM ALL HARM – may He bless these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac… Gen 48:15,16
Jacob who’d had to flee from his home after stealing his brother’s birthright and live alone in a foreign land, also knew God as his DELIVERER. God had tested Jacob but Jacob knew and had proven God was faithful in the difficult times of his life.
Daniel’s three friends, once again exiles in the strange land of Babylon, under threat of death by king Nebuchadnezzar told the king;
If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. Dan 3:17
They were in a strange land and at the mercy of a powerful king, but they took their stand on the Lord being much more powerful than any earthly ruler and sure enough the Lord was WITH THEM IN THE FURNACE!
It may seem as if you’re alone, in a strange place without help today but GOD IS WITH US! May we too have this testimony to tell, ‘He delivered us from all our troubles’.
May God bless and keep you this day from all harm.