God would not allow His people to be as the world, but separate unto Him. Ezek 20

Yesterday we saw in Ezekiel 20 how the Lord had given Israel the Sabbath(6 times He called it ‘My Sabbath’) as a sign that He’d made them holy(set them apart for Himself). We also noted God told them, ‘to remove the vile images from before their eyes’ and related this to what is being viewed on various media by us as believers. The Jewish people switch off their Phones, Television and Internet on Shabbat(which begins this evening!), for around  25 hours and this is a challenge to us as believers today. We who have a far better covenant in Christ, paid for by His sacrifice on the cross, the Lamb of God offered in our place.

Ezekiel 20 also gives God’s verdict concerning Israel and their waywardness towards Him and His standards and values.

You say, “We want to be like the nations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone(‘their hearts were devoted to their idols’ V16). BUT WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND WILL NEVER HAPPEN. As surely as I live declares the Sovereign Lord, I will rule over you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm…”. Ezek 20:32, 33

God would not permit Israel to be like the nations(Jewish people have a fear of assimilation/being absorbed into the world and loosing their identity), His plan for the Messiah to come depended on them remaining holy, separated to Him.

I will take note of you as you pass under my rod and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant I will purge you of those who revolt and rebel against Me. Ezek 20:37, 38

The rod of God speaks of His discipline(His staff speaks of His comfort) and God tells Israel that He will purge them of those who rebel against Him. God promised Israel that He would bring them back from the nations into their inheritance, Ezek 20:42. I believe that this is also happening in the Nations and the Church today, God is sifting people. We are living in a very crucial time in history and God is ‘bringing a people into the bond of covenant with Himself’. We need to cleave/hold tight to the Lord in these days, remember He doesn’t demand perfection, but faithfulness and love towards Him and His ways.

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We are willing to seek the Lord for words of encouragement and direction for those who would like  personal help.

God bless and keep you today.

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