He rescues and He saves… Daniel 6:27

HE RESCUES AND HE SAVES…He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:27

The book of Daniel was written  about a people in exile, deported to Babylon. In a sense we, the Church, are also a people in exile. The big positive to note was that the God of Israel was able to keep the remnant of His people safe in Babylon, despite every attempt to harm them. This scripture was written by the king of Babylon, Darius the Mede. The bringing of the people of Judah to Babylon meant that God’s eye was upon Babylon in a greater measure than before. Do we see ourselves this way? God is watching over us, His people and how people treat us, their intentions towards us.

Daniel 6, begins with the administrative system in Babylon and how Daniel is destined to lead it. There were three administrators over the 120 satraps, ‘so that the king might not suffer loss’(perhaps some people were helping themselves to the king’s revenue). Daniel stood out as being ‘trustworthy, neither corrupt nor negligent’. The other administrators decided they had to get rid of him and tricked the king into issuing an edict. Anyone who prayed to any god other than the king himself for the next thirty days would be thrown to the lions.

Daniel prayed to his God three times a day, as before and so he was thrown into the lion’s den for a whole night. God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths and he was unharmed when king Darius came at dawn the next day. Those who’d plotted Daniel’s downfall ended up being thrown to the lions themselves, like Haman, hanged from his own gallows! What people do to a child of God may be done to them!

The Book of Daniel contains two prayers by pagan kings acknowledging the true God;

I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.

For He is the living God and He endures for ever, His kingdom WILL NOT BE DESTROYED(Hallelujah), His dominion WILL NEVER END. HE RESCUES AND HE SAVES, He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth(in all of creation). He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.

We all face different situations and challenges, but our God is a living God. Take some time today to thank God for who He is for you, He is a mighty God and He cares for His children while we’re here on earth. Remember, ‘the eyes of the Lord range to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those committed to Him’. 2 Chronicles 16:9

God bless and keep you today.