Handling life’s dilemmas God’s way? I suspect the approach the majority Christians take to life is try and sort things out for themselves and if situations become difficult, then pray.
The third issue Paul raises with the Corinthian Church is serious disputes between believers.
If any of you has a dispute with another, dare they take it before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the saints? 1 Cor 6:1
Paul immediately challenges them about the way they resolve their internal disputes. Do they take them to men’s courts, before those who don’t know God, to have them resolved? The courts of men do have authority to enforce their decisions and at times that may be needed. However, the fact that believers even go there casts a slur on God’s people.
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even people of little account in the church! 1 Cor 6:2-4
Paul highlights the amazing future authority of believers, to judge the world and even angels! He’s telling them if they’re going to be responsible for doing this(may have come as a shock to them and us) can’t they sort out their own disputes. The Corinthian Church had many serious problems, but Paul is seeking to lift their eyes(and ours) to THEIR HIGH CALLING IN GOD!
The question is would we be willing to submit to God’s will even if we should suffer loss? Derek Prince and his wife once had a situation where they handed over a deposit to buy a house, to their own lawyer, a Spirit filled believer, who absconded with the money. They spoke to the other party selling the house who didn’t want to know, even though another expert lawyer told them since payment had been made it was the seller’s loss. Derek Prince said he had to get on his knees and do some serious praying. He decided that though it was a large financial loss, it would be more honouring to the God he served not to drag a fellow believer into court. He BORE THE LOSS as a servant of His Lord; not many people trust enough to take this higher path but God sees our hearts and rewards faith!
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God bless and keep you in these changing days.