He will keep you strong to the end…God…is faithful. 1Cor 1:7
Paul the apostle wrote a lot to the Church in Corinth, encouraging and correcting them.
He opens his first letter by telling them(and us) that he’s called to be an apostle by God and by ‘our brother Sosthenes’. Nothing is given about this brother but he’s somehow involved in Paul’s calling and recognising him.
Paul goes on to give a brief outline of the church and what it means;
To the Church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – their Lord and ours: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 1:2
‘Sanctified IN Christ’ and ‘called to be holy(Godlike in character – Saints)’ and ‘with those who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ(pray to Him, confirming Christ’s divinity)’.
‘Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ(Paul always greeted the Church with a blessing, except the Galatian Church)’.
‘I always thank God for you(again, blessing the Church)…For in Him you have been enriched in every way(Praise God for His blessings in Christ)—in all your speaking and knowledge—our testimony about Him was confirmed in you(church in Corinth)’.
Paul ends his introduction by telling the Corinthian Church that ‘God will keep them strong to the end’. ‘GOD who has called you into fellowship with His Son… IS FAITHFUL’. God hasn’t just called the Church into being, He keeps the Church! Derek Prince said he was often asked what he’d say as his final words to believers and it was these three words, ‘GOD IS FAITHFUL’! God placed this message right at the forefront of the letter to the early church because He knew they’d experience opposition, but He wanted them to know He was with them in the problems of life and would keep them. Hallelujah
I believe today that we are once again entering a new age, the Age of the coming Kingdom here on earth. God is calling a people to rule and reign with Him here on earth. Shift is happening once again as it did when the Church was birthed on earth. Situations may seem alarming as God ushers in His Kingdom, but He will keep us in all the change.
God bless and keep you.