Take time to connect with Heaven today and stay in Love. 1 John 2

Take time to stop and send out/broadcast your love today!

We’ve been talking about the apostle John being the ‘apostle of love’. In the beginning of 1 John 2 he gives a couple of simple guidelines for walking out our lives here;

“Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did”.

John has been saying that those who do what Jesus said, obeying His word, are living in Him. We can’t say we’re in Him and live our lives in a different way or carelessly, we need to stay ‘connected to the head’. Col 2:19 Smith Wigglesworth, the Apostle of Faith, said he never prayed for more than half an hour, but never went half an hour without prayer. He stayed in continual connection with Jesus, the head. He lived in the atmosphere of Heaven! Our minds are constantly bombarded by many voices today, but we are from another reality, the Heavenly realm. So how can we stay connected with Heaven or turn our hearts to the Lord during our busy days? Most people have mobile phones, so why not set your phone to remind you at certain times or intervals to stop for a moment and focus on Heaven, praise, read the Word, pray. We need to strengthen our connection with the Head(Jesus) in these days.

The next part of 1 John 2 says;

“Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness, whoever loves his brother lives in the light and there is nothing in him to make him stumble”.

John said we cannot live in an atmosphere of hatred and live in the kingdom of love, it’ll be a stumbling block to us. WE CAN BLESS THOSE WHO HATE US, CHRIST DID. As we take time to turn to the Lord, during our day, bless our brothers and sisters. We can set the atmosphere in our day to be the Love Atmosphere that John spoke about.

Give some thought about how you can connect with Heaven and stay in the Love Atmosphere today.

God bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

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