God strengthens us for the battles we face. 2 Kings 19

Ignore the taunts(maybe thoughts in our minds) of the enemy(it really annoys him) and turn it over to the Lord.

Hezekiah, the name means ‘God has strengthened me’.

Hezekiah was a special king of Judah, likened to king David, he destroyed idol worship in the land of Judah.

“Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him”. 2 Kings 18:5

Hezekiah won some battles and it says God was with him, but in the end Sennacherib, king of Assyria, came against Jerusalem with an overwhelming army. Twice he issued threats to the city, it’s king and the people. On both occasions Hezekiah sent word to Isaiah the prophet and went into the Temple and laid the matter before the Lord.

On the first confrontation with the field commander of the army, the enemy addressed the people on the wall of Jerusalem, but Hezekiah told them ‘not to answer him’! The enemy may push you to answer, but the battle is the Lord’s! Don’t allow yourself to take the fight into your own hands, keep silent and give it over to the Lord. Our talking needs to be before God, who has a covenant with us.

“I will defend the city and save it, for my sake and for the sake of David my servant(God had made a covenant/binding agreement with David)”. 2 Kings 19:34

God said He would give Isaiah a sign, ‘this year you will eat what grows by itself and the second year what springs from that, but the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit’. God was going to supernaturally feed and provide for His people(remember and remind Him we are His) in the midst of the enemy’. Like Psalm 23, preparing a table for us.

God said the enemy will ‘not shoot an arrow here’ and they didn’t. God put 185,000 men in their camp to death during the night.

Don’t engage with the enemy, ignore him, lay your situation before the Lord and be at rest. May not be easy but remember God is your Father and will deliver you.

God bless and keep you.

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