Paul and the ship’s company had survived the storms, the shipwreck and made it safely to shore, whereupon Paul was attacked by the snake, driven out by the fire. It had been a troubled journey, but God had been with Paul throughout it and delivered him. The storms may buffet us but THE LORD IS WITH US EVEN IN THE STORMS, Emmanuel.
‘After three months we put out to sea(even Paul had to wait, he may have been glad, for the season to sail again), … it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux(the ship that was dedicated to demon gods carried God’s apostle. God can use anything, even dedicated things to fulfill His purposes for us also)’. Now that the ship was in the season to sail again they made steady progress and no storms. We too NEED NOT TAKE UNNECESSARY RISKS, God will bring us to our own destination in His own way and time. Don’t run ahead of the Spirit of God, ‘since we live by the Spirit, LET US KEEP IN STEP WITH THE SPIRIT’. Gal 5:25
God sends encouragements to us along the way, look for the small and large signs that God is with us and BE THANKFUL(for it is good to give praise unto the Lord and speak good of His Name). Paul and his companions spent a week with some brothers in their last port, Puteoli. God sent them brothers to help and support them.
’And so we came to Rome(such a short statement but this was Paul’s final destination and he too was under ‘lockdown’ permanently)’. Acts 28:14
“The brothers there had heard that we were coming and they travelled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged. When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by Himself, with a soldier to guard him”. Acts 28:15,16 God cared for the needs of His servant in a strange city, He looked after Paul as long as he was alive and serving Him. God is able and willing to care for us too, no matter what the trials and sustain us. Don’t give up, God is with us of a truth, we are no less important to our loving Lord and Heavenly Father.
God bless and keep us this day and every day.