God brought them all to safety; the Storm, the Shipwreck and the Shore. Acts 27

The Storm, the Shipwreck and the Shore.

Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men STAY WITH THE SHIP, you cannot be saved”. Acts 27:31

God was with the ship’s company throughout all these desperate events. He’d spoken through Paul and given an assurance that all on board the ship would be saved. ‘Nevertheless we must run aground on some island’. V26 Paul had accurately told the company that they needed to run aground, beach the ship on an island(Malta). They dropped anchors to stop or slow the ship and WAITED UNTIL DAYLIGHT, waited until they could see their situation clearly.

“In an attempt to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow”. Paul then gave the centurion the order, ‘unless they stay, YOU cannot be saved’. So the soldiers cut the ropes and the lifeboat fell away.

Sometimes, like it or not, we are in things together. A ship could represent a ministry, or some other group of people, large or small. The enemy loves to isolate us, cut us off all alone. God told Paul that they all had to stay together if they were going to be saved. I feel for some today that we need to stay with the others around us, NOT go it alone! There are storms today, but there can be safety in numbers.

Paul told the people ‘to eat’, get some strength after fasting fourteen days. We may need to break the worry cycle and help our bodies to cope in the midst of the suspense. Practical steps can be helpful in times of anxiety. All 276 people, weak and strong were saved. God fulfilled His word to Paul. Whatever our situation God is able, He brought these people through, from the Storm, the Shipwreck to the Shore and Safety.

May God bless and keep you today and bring you safely ashore from the storm you’re  in right now.



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