It wasn’t over for Paul and it’s not over for you and I either.

‘But I have had God’s help to this very day and so I stand here and testify to small and great alike’. Acts 26:22

Paul had shared before King Agrippa, Governor Festus and others, how Jesus had met with him on the Damascus Road and appointed him, ‘as a servant and a witness of what you have seen of Me AND what I will show you’. Paul had a miraculous encounter with the Lord, which I said yesterday changed the course of his life, but Jesus said that He still had more to show him. There is always more with the Lord, we will never come to an end of God. We should ‘never be settlers’ here on earth, God always has more for us.

I recently heard a definition of Carnality, by Derek Prince; he said it was when we began to live our lives as if everything was down here and there was no heaven, nothing eternal, only this physical realm. The Lord hates carnality.

Paul was standing in man’s court and yet he was speaking of Heavenly truths and realities. Some of these people were of high position and educated, but their own minds blocked the truth of Paul’s message.

At this point Festus interrupted Paul’s defence. “You are out of your mind, Paul”! He shouted. “Your great learning is driving you insane”. Acts 26:24

We too, like Paul, are appealing to people about another realm, another existence(we are ambassadors here for Christ). Some can grasp that truth and for others it’s hidden from them. Only the Lord can open eyes to the other existence, outside of time and the physical realm.

‘No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them…’. John 6:44

Paul said, ‘but I have had God’s help to this very day’, he hadn’t been left alone. Jews and Gentiles alike had rejected and abused him, but he knew it was because of God’s help that he stood testifying to all the people in the court. Those of us reading this are also ‘still here today’ and God therefore still has things for us to do. He hasn’t left us alone, He’s with us and able to help and guide us. Please ask Him to show what He has for you to do today. It wasn’t over for Paul and it’s not over for you and I either.

PS If you’d like us to seek the Lord on your behalf, please contact us on our website;

The Lord wants to speak to us and help us.

God bless and keep you today.



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