Jesus heals the man born blind and some interesting comments around this event. John 9
- The disciples asked who had sinned, the man or His parents (who was to blame, Jesus said nobody) that he was born blind.
“As long as it is day, ‘we’ must do the work of Him who sent ‘me’. For the night is coming when no-one can work”. V4
Until the coronavirus outbreak some weeks ago it would have been unthinkable that no-one would be able to work,(except essential services) but now we’re living in it globally. Jesus words mean more today than they would have a few weeks ago, because we’re experiencing it first hand. The lesson is don’t take our freedoms for granted, what was so readily available and so easy a short time ago is no longer. As long as it is day we need to work, for the times will change.
Jesus healed the man born blind, put mud on his eyes(not a pretty sight) and told him to go and wash it off in the Pool of Siloam. This miracle caused division among the religious people of the day. Some believed the sign but others refused because Jesus had worked on the Sabbath(He seemed to do that often). The Lord’s body is divided today, but it may become more divided as world events(as I said corona is a global event, nations or even groups of nations can’t deal with it alone). We need to be seeking the Lord about His will in these days and not just adhering to religious doctrines! All people, including Christians, are being impacted by events today and there will be lots of confusion. I pray Proverbs 3:5,6 nowadays, Lord I don’t lean on my own understanding, please direct my steps.
Lastly V39, Jesus said, “For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind”. Things were going to be turned totally around(by Jesus coming), not just that the blind would see but that the sighted would become blind. Again, some religious Pharisees with Him, questioned if He was speaking to them, but He was(God is no respecter of persons).
In troubled and changing times we need to be walking close to the Lord and not losing sight of Him and His call on our lives. Most of us are strongly influenced by the media and many believers are trusting in their church’s doctrine, but we must develop a living relationship with Jesus today.
God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.