The apostles in the early Body of Christ, returning to a church near you!
Acts 15 develops around a confrontation between two groups from two different church areas and cultures (Jerusalem/Judea and Antioch). They gathered to settle the fundamental question of what was required of new Gentile Christians for salvation (freedom versus religion). Some heavy hitters were in contention, the Phariseeical Group versus the apostles, Peter, Paul and Barnabas.
The apostles and elders (lawmakers for the church, not just saints) in Jerusalem, met to consider the question of circumcision for all new believers. Peter reminded them that some time ago the Holy Spirit had sent him to speak with Cornelius. “God, who knows the heart, showed that He accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as He did to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Acts 15:8,9
Next up were Barnabas and Paul, they told of all the miraculous signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them. All three apostles emphasised that the Holy Spirit had confirmed the preaching to the Gentiles with supernatural acts.
Lastly James, the half brother of Jesus, addressed the meeting and said that Peter’s testimony agreed with the words of the prophets:
V16 “After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent.
It’s ruins I will rebuild and I will restore it, that the remnant of men may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who bear My Name, says the Lord who does these things”. Amos 9:11,12
James concluded, “It is my judgement, therefore, that we should not make it difficult(good point) for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should tell them( four simple things ), abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from meat of strangled animals and from blood”. The apostles and elders with the whole church( now brought in to ratify the decision ) sent a letter with their own messengers to the Church in Antioch with their decision.
Many Christians in many churches today face difficult decisions, but the early church turned to their apostles and the word of the prophets for their decision and got it right. I see and hear today that diverse Christians are saying that the apostles are coming back, the last of the fivefold ministries to be restored. Eph 4:11.
Apostles carry a leadership anointing to set things in place in the church. The Lord is raising them up again to guide the church in the days ahead. The saints in the church in Jerusalem accepted the judgement of the apostles and elders, men with that distinctive calling on their lives. Look out for people called to this office in the body today, they carry authority and bring order.
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God bless you and keep you.