Make the choice to serve God today, to go forward with Him.

Choose LIFE!

What is God’s word of LIFE to you today?

Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you rejected it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles ”. Luke 13:46.

The people in the synagogue at Psidian Antioch received two messengers who brought them a choice, a decision. Paul said they had to bring the word to them first, the Jews and God fearing Gentiles. God wasn’t unjust, He sent the word or message to the people who’d been worshipping Him under the Old Covenant, the Old way, but some couldn’t or wouldn’t receive it.

Every decision takes us closer to God or away from Him!

We need to be asking ourselves, where is God in this decision? Is there LIFE in it? The world system is a system tainted with death, that’s why we need to be looking for way that takes us toward God.

“When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honoured the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed”. Luke 13:48

Even Jesus couldn’t minister where He wasn’t received, in Nazareth, His home town. The people who had the greatest access to Him, rejected Him. Similarly with Paul and Barnabas, the people in the synagogue heard the word first, but they didn’t receive it.

It sounds so simple to say, CHOOSE LIFE. We are all faced with many decisions, but our flesh(Old nature), the world system and the devil, all oppose the will of God for our lives. It takes conscious decision and determination to go against the flow and keep moving towards God. Sometimes the opposition is subtle and sometimes it’s aggressive, but there is often pressure to compromise.

Joshua at the end of his life gathered the people of Israel and presented them with a choice. “Choose for yourselves this day(make a choice NOW and you won’t have to think about it later when opposition comes) whom you will serve… but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24:15.

Choose LIFE, Choose to continue walking on with God, make the decision today.

God bless you and keep you.




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