God’s kindness and goodness to a pastor with covid-19, through a former missionary.

Testimony posted on Facebook page

God’s kindness and goodness to a corona virus pastor.

I have been trying to post a testimony from a pastor in N.Ireland who was in Intensive Care. (We have heard of three pastors here who’ve been in the ICU, two are home now).

This brother was very ill and as he said no one is allowed onto the isolation ward, no family, no pastor, no-one. He was struggling for his life and he asked God to send help, to encourage him. A hospital cleaner came by and talked to him and eventually prayed for him from the door of the ward, asking God to save him  and use him. That cleaner had been a missionary in Nigeria and led many people to the Lord. We have a friend who is a friend of the cleaner, so this is definitely someone known here. After the cleaner had finished praying he kept walking past the corridor window to the ward and giving him the thumbs up, encouraging the pastor.

The pastor ‘turned the corner’ that night and began to feel stronger. He asked the Lord if there was any way that he could get him a ‘packet of Tayto prawn cocktail crisps and a can of coke’. The next morning the cleaner arrived back in his ward with  a bag, a gift from the Lord. In the bag were two oranges, a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a can of coke. God answered his prayers exactly, even when no-one could seemingly get to him.

God is kind and good, He cares for us, even the smallest details and He reaches down to help us. The pastor knew who to call to in his hour of greatest trial and the Almighty God answered him.

May our hearts be encouraged today; I believe we will hear more testimonies of God’s goodness in the days to come.

We need to be walking with Jesus in these days, John 9

Jesus heals the man born blind and some interesting comments around this event. John 9

  • The disciples asked who had sinned, the man or His parents (who was to blame, Jesus said nobody) that he was born blind.

“As long as it is day, ‘we’ must do the work of Him who sent ‘me’. For the night is coming when no-one can work”. V4

Until the coronavirus outbreak some weeks ago it would have been unthinkable that no-one would be able to work,(except essential services) but now we’re living in it globally. Jesus words mean more today than they would have a few weeks ago, because we’re experiencing it first hand. The lesson is don’t take our freedoms for granted, what was so readily available and so easy a short time ago is no longer. As long as it is day we need to work, for the times will change.

Jesus healed the man born blind, put mud on his eyes(not a pretty sight) and told him to go and wash it off in the Pool of Siloam. This miracle caused division among the religious people of the day. Some believed the sign but others refused because Jesus had worked on the Sabbath(He seemed to do that often). The Lord’s body is divided today, but it may become more divided as world events(as I said corona is a global event, nations or even groups of nations can’t deal with it alone). We need to be seeking the Lord about His will in these days and not just adhering to religious doctrines! All people, including Christians, are being impacted by events today and there will be lots of confusion. I pray Proverbs 3:5,6 nowadays, Lord I don’t lean on my own understanding, please direct my steps.

Lastly V39, Jesus said, “For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind”. Things were going to be turned totally around(by Jesus coming), not just that the blind would see but that the sighted would become blind. Again, some religious Pharisees with Him, questioned if He was speaking to them, but He was(God is no respecter of persons).

In troubled and changing times we need to be walking close to the Lord and not losing sight of Him and His call on our lives. Most of us are strongly influenced by the media and many believers are trusting in their church’s doctrine, but we must develop  a living relationship with Jesus today.

God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

Enjoy the fruitful ministry while you have it, Acts 20

Paul was only with them for a season. Acts 20

What a blessing it must have been to sit under the ministry of Paul and to witness the miracles the Holy Spirit did through him; the raising of Eutychus after he fell from the third story window.

‘Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church. …you know how I lived the whole time I was with you. I served the Lord( Paul was serving the Lord, not seeking for himself) with great humility( again the mark of a true servant’s heart) and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews’. Paul’s ministry bore much fruit and it was carried on in a continuous atmosphere of tears and testing! He also had an issue that he asked the Lord to remove three times, but was told that the Lord’s strength was made perfect in weakness.

‘Compelled by the Spirit, I’m going to Jerusalem…I only know the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me(Paul’s goal was finish his race before going to his Lord, eternal viewpoint to his life)’. The trials ahead weren’t changing Paul’s direction, he wanted to finish the race, cross the winning line. Everything in Him was striving towards that goal, no matter what the obstacles.

‘Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again(this was a final goodbye to people who loved him). …remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you day and night with tears’. Paul was with the Ephesians believers for a period of time, three years and then he had to leave. He’d poured his life into them and greatly blessed them but they wouldn’t have him with them again. They had their own race to run. ‘Keep watch over yourselves(first priority) and the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood’.

Trials and tests produce lasting fruit! We may only be able to drink from a servant of the Lord for a time, so make the best of it while it’s available to us.

Father’s Love is a faith based ministry and we would welcome donations to support the work. We are available to provide prophetic words and counselling to those who request it.

Please contact us at; fathersloveministry.co.uk

God bless you and keep you.


Get rid of anything tainted with darkness. Acts 19

Get rid of anything tainted or stained with darkness, burn it or destroy it. Acts 19:19

Acts 19 tells the story of the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who were using the name of Jesus (with no authority or right to do so) when trying to drive out evil spirits. The man with the evil spirit beat them up and both Jews and Greeks who heard about it were afraid and held the Lord’s Name in high esteem.

“Many of those who believed NOW CAME(as a result of what had happened) and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practised sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas(a drachma was about a day’s wages)”.

Something cathartic/cleansing happened to the body of believers and there was a public burning of materials stained with wickedness from their past lives. When I came to the Lord, I immediately felt to go and burn some magazines and papers in my possession, don’t even remember what they were now. My sister had done the same thing(she lived abroad) and we’d never spoken about it.

The other significant thing was the high value of the material. The enemy often gets us to buy things at a high price so that we find it difficult to dispose of them. Derek Prince, who was a pioneer in the deliverance ministry, felt that there was something not right in his house. He asked the Lord to show him anything that was causing problems and his attention was drawn to two expensive, rare oriental vases. He believed that they had demonic connections, yet they were very striking. He chose to remove and destroy them(didn’t sell them on to someone else). People often go on holiday and bring back ‘expensive souvenirs’ from other lands, unaware that they may have been ‘dedicated’ to evil entities.

This is the time of year for Spring cleaning, it would be good to ask the Lord to show us any objects with spiritual connections that we need to remove from our homes or workplaces. May even be something very small, like jewellery or medals.

“In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power”, after the hindrances had been removed.

God bless you and keep you today and every day.



Our story, the Church today, comes from Acts.

The story in Acts is our story, it’s where we come from.

Paul travelled widely and spoke to many people, Jews and Gentiles about Christ, the Messiah who had come.

Acts 18 begins with Paul leaving Athens for Corinth, where he met Acquila and Priscilla. Paul stayed with them and worked with them as a tentmaker, but every Sabbath he ‘reasoned with the Jews and Greeks in the synagogue’. When Silas and Timothy came, Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching and testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. He eventually left the synagogue when they became abusive and moved to a house next door. It’s ironic that the word of life was so close to the religious people but many couldn’t receive it.

However, a man called Crispus, the synagogue ruler ‘and his entire household( spoke previously about WHOLE FAMILIES accepting the Lord) believed in the Lord’. This synagogue ruler, first of two mentioned here, made the transition from religious ritual to faith in the living God. He was obviously a man who’d given his life to serving God in the synagogue, but he got grace to believe the Good News.

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Dont stop speaking… I am with you, no one is going to harm you, because I have many people in this city (it must have been good to live in a city with a large number of believers, influence on the whole society). Paul taught there for a year and a half.

Soon after Paul had his vision the Jews tried to attack him again through the court but the proconsul threw them out and they beat up the second synagogue ruler, Sosthenes. One ruler and his whole family came to faith but the second was beaten by his own people(spirits of anger and rebellion). The Jews had gathered with violent intent towards the Lord’s servant and it had to come out!

In N.Ireland where we live, there has been much bloodshed and a lot of it on innocent people. When groups in society buy into the spirit of anger and violence it has to come out. Today most of the violence on our streets has stopped, but many people and a lot of young people are taking their own lives by suicide. The spirits behind the disorder are still demanding sacrifice. There are things in society that only the Church has authority to deal with. May we see the Lord’s hand helping us just as He rescued Paul.

God bless and keep you in these days.



Uncertain times, time to wait on the Lord! Psalm 37

These are unusual times we’re living in today, N.Ireland is in lockdown, no social gatherings are permitted because of the Coronavirus( interestingly corona means crown in the Greek language, a false ruler, don’t accept).

Yesterday I shared from Ruth and how she approached Boaz(type of the Lord) while he was alone at night on the threshing floor. She lay alone, in the night, at his feet until he told her what to do.

Last night I read a similar verse in Psalm 37, one of David’s psalms;

V7, Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

Psalm 37 is a psalm that I’m drawn to often, especially the opening ten or so verses. In these changed times, life has slowed down for many people and perhaps this is a time when we can be still and wait before the Lord.

Three times in the opening eight verses, we have the phrase, ‘do not fret’. It would be so easy for many people who are used to their routine which may now be disrupted to fret about how things are going to work out. But this psalm is saying don’t fret, don’t give way to worry or fear.

Some of the meanings of fret are: to eat into, corrode, wear away by rubbing, disturb, vex, irritate.

There’s nothing positive or wholesome in fretting, best to hand the situation to the Lord(and LEAVE IT WITH HIM). Read and speak out some of the verses in this psalm to reassure yourself of His love and care for you;

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

This may be a God given opportunity to spend some extra time waiting patiently on the Lord.

God bless you and keep you in these changing times.

Ruth, a parable for our time

The Book of Ruth — Walking, Working, Waking

During the weekend and the strong appeals to Stay Home because of Covid 19, I’ve been listening to some messages on YouTube.

One speaker whom I’d not heard much before, Bobby Conner, said he was greatly inspired by the Book of Ruth as he believed it was a picture for the Church today. I did a one week series on Ruth, only four chapters long and it’s one of my favourite Bible stories.

Walking; Naomi and Ruth had a long journey through very arid and difficult country to get from Moab to Bethlehem. They arrived at the time of the barley harvest.

Working; Ruth (type of the Church) immediately began to glean in the fields to get some food for herself and her mother in law, Naomi (type of the Holy Spirit, guiding Ruth). She worked in the field of their kinsman redeemer, Boaz (type of the Lord) and only his field where she was safe and provided for. Ruth met her Boaz in the harvest field, not in the synagogue.

Waking; Naomi spoke to Ruth about finding a home for her, in the house of Boaz. Naomi gave her specific instructions, to wash and perfume herself and wear her best clothes and go to the threshing floor (final stage of the harvest, separating the grain and chaff). When Boaz lay down at the end of the grain pile Ruth lay ‘at his feet’. He wakened in the night and Ruth asked him to ‘spread the corner of his garment over her’, take her as his wife.

The picture of Ruth lying at the feet of Boaz(the Lord) is a picture for our day. The initiative was then with Boaz, to take the situation in hand and acquire Ruth and the land of her late husband for himself. He settled the matter in good form with the elders at the city gate. Ruth gave birth to a son Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David, king of Israel. Ruth had to leave her land and her people and live in Bethlehem of Judah to fulfill her calling and God’s plan for His Messiah.

Ruth could never have determined her own calling, she bound herself to Naomi and walked step by step into her destiny. She only had a heart to serve and obey. Lying at the Lord’s feet and waiting for His direction may be the only path open for us in uncertain times.

Mini series on Book of Ruth is available on webpage;


God bless and keep you in these uncertain days.

Has the message moved our hearts or is it just in our heads? Acts 17

Head knowledge or heart commitment? Acts 17

Acts 17 outlines a part of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey.

Thessalonica: Paul spoke in the synagogue V4, ‘where some of the Jews were persuaded….as did a large number of God-fearing Greeks and not a few prominent women’. Paul had a grace on his life to speak to the Gentiles and lead them to faith. It’s worth thinking about where God blesses our work! Are there things that we enjoy doing in the Kingdom? If we enjoy doing it and we’re seeing fruit then that is a good indication of where God is blessing.

Paul functioned as a true apostle, he never remained long in one place, usually the religious drove him on.

Berea: V11,12 ‘Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message(the Gospel is a message from Heaven) with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day…Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men’. This time Jews and Greeks believed the message.

Athens(tough place to minister, ‘a city full of idols’ v16) He spoke in the synagogue and then in the Areopagus, to the Greek philosophers, literally lovers of knowledge).

V21 All…who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas. This reminds me very much of the media today, endless discussions, often about very little and of no lasting value. How much time do we spend with the media and how much with the Lord? Derek Prince said if we’d swap the time we spend watching TV/internet and give it to the Lord we would benefit greatly.

Paul made an impassioned plea for the Gospel, but the result was, ‘A few men became followers…. and believed’. The stronghold of the mind in Athens made it difficult for people to accept the message. They questioned the message, rather than receiving it(head knowledge, their hearts were not moved). Paul saw some fruit, some new believers, but he eventually moved on.

What we receive and retain in OUR MINDS TODAY, will affect what the Lord is trying to say to us. We too can be like the Bereans, or like the people of Athens. The Bereans eagerly listened and checked it from the word.

Father’s Love is a faith based ministry and we would welcome donations to support the work.

We also provide prophetic and pastoral counselling and prophetic words for those seeking them.

Please donate or make a booking on our website


God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

Pray for whole families to come to God Acts 16

God’s calling households(whole families) to Himself Acts 16

Paul had a vision for whole households being saved; we need to recapture this today.

Paul and Silas travelled to the city of Philippi and on the Sabbath ( they used the Sabbath as a point of contact with people, for evangelism) went outside the city to find a place of prayer (apparently no synagogue there). They met Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth… who was a worshipper of God. The Lord ‘opened her heart’ (Lord open hearts today) to respond to Paul’s message. When she and the ‘members of her household’ were baptised….Her whole family were baptised together, public declaration of faith. In the West we belong to a society full of individuals, but in Paul’s day the family was more important. Acts 16:13-15

Paul and Silas were then beaten, V23 stripped and severely flogged, and thrown in prison after the public deliverance of a slave girl. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns… and there was a violent earthquake. At once ALL the prison doors flew open and EVERYBODY’S chains came loose, all the prisoners were freed!(perhaps symbolic of the Spirit).

The outcome was that the jailer came trembling before Paul and Silas and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord… and you will be saved — you and ‘your household’. Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house…then immediately he and all his family were baptised(same as Lydia). God allowed His servants to be flogged to send His salvation deep inside a jail so that a family could belong to Him. Most of us would have been crushed by the beating but Paul and Silas kept on worshipping God and another family came to Him.

God used Paul and Silas to reach and bless two families. Ask God to show you which families you can pray for today and speak into for Him. Remind Him of His promises for household salvation(Acts 11:14, Cornelius and his household) and pray for whole families to know Him.

God bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you today.


Change of direction in a ravine, 1 Sam 25

Change of direction in a ravine. 1 Sam 25

I’ve spoken from this scripture before, but it has come to me again. The story of Abigail (means Father’s joy or giver of joy) rescuing her husband’s household from David and his men.

As she came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine, there were David and his men ‘descending’ towards her, and she met them, 1 Sam 25:20. David, the future king was descending, coming downwards in the ravine (the steep, sided rocky gorge). God ordained it so they had to meet in that enclosed space and it was mainly for David’s future destiny.

David had just said, ‘It’s been useless — all my watching over this fellow’s property…. he has paid me back evil for good. May God deal with David, be it ever so severely, if by morning I leave alive one male of all who belong to him’.

Abigail bowed down before David with her face to the ground. She wanted to stop David but she humbled herself greatly before him, so that he would listen to her.

Now since the Lord has kept you from bloodshed and ‘from avenging yourself’ with your own hands. And let this gift, … be given to you and your men. V25,26.

Abigail continued her plea in verse 28, “Let no wrongdoing be found in you as long as you live”. We all have choices to make and those choices will affect our future and possibly our children’s future. Taking matters into our own hands and avenging ourselves may feel good at the time, but the wrongs done in anger(quick fix, focusing destruction on something we dislike) have a way of catching up with us.

David said to Abigail, “praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. May you be blessed for your good judgement and for keeping me… from avenging myself with my own hands”.

Abigail provided provision for David’s present, a gift to appease him, but she also stopped him from aborting his future in the Lord. May we be open to the prompting and leading of God in our lives today, to keep us from reacting and overreacting in haste and bitterness. Humility and wisdom won the day. David and his men turned away from the path of revenge.

Happy and blessed Saint Patrick’s Day.