As surely as the Lord lives who has delivered me out of all trouble… 2 Sam 4:9. (I’ve been speaking on the early part of David’s life on my Spreaker broadcast).
David spoke these words twice. Firstly just before he fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy and became king of all Israel and Judah. He was thirty years old and had already been through great difficulties, chased by Saul and his army of three thousand men. He’d had to flee for his life and live with the Philistines, sworn enemies of God’s people(and feign insanity before their king). He’d been constantly chased and was leader of a band of renegade mercenaries and their families; pressure from without and within.
He spoke them again, near the end of his life when he appointed Solomon his successor, 1 Kings 1:29. David’s testimony never changed, even though he’d had to flee for his life, from his own son Absalom, while he was king. He was a man after God’s own heart and yet he lived a life of great challenges. Many times his life and those with him were in great danger. How many of us would have chosen to live a life with such great trials, but his testimony to God’s faithfulness held firm.
‘As surely as the Lord lives’ (David knew he served a living God, not like the idols of the surrounding nations, still the same today), ‘who has delivered me’ (David knew God as Deliverer, so at times may we), ‘out of all trouble’ (the Christian life will have trials, but normally only for seasons!).
There is a story of a negro slave who was out hunting with his master. He couldn’t understand why he had so many troubles and the master had few. The master shot some duck and the slave ran to get them. The master shouted to get the wounded birds first, they were still alive. The slave turned and told the master, now he understood why he had trouble and the master didn’t. The enemy was going after the one who was alive, knew the Lord.
Consider it pure joy(really), brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…, James 1:2
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, that person will receive the CROWN OF LIFE that the Lord has promised to those who LOVE HIM. James 1:12
David’s confessions of God’s faithfulness in his trials are recorded twice around the awarding of the crown. Brothers and sisters, YOUR TRIALS ARE FOR YOUR CROWN. Don’t give up, God is faithful!
God bless you.