Your answer may be in your own Hands, Luke 11


Luke 11 begins with Jesus IN PRAYER, while His disciples were present. One of them said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray (they didn’t know how to pray as Jesus did), just as John taught his disciples”.

Both Jesus and John, the two miraculous children proclaimed by Gabriel in Luke 1 taught their disciples to pray. It was a necessary part of their spiritual walk.

Vast numbers of books have been written on Prayer, some very learned and some helpful. Jesus recorded teaching was simple and brief; WHEN you pray, say:

Father (WE personally address the Maker of all creation),

hallowed be Your Name (respect to Almighty God),

Your Kingdom come (the true objective),

Give us each day our daily bread (asking for our own needs).

Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us (we need to remove blockages to receive answered prayer),

And lead us not into temptation (deliver from harmful enticements that would draw us away from You).

Jesus, goes on to tell the disciples about the friend (there was some relationship) who needed bread at midnight. He persisted until the man got up and gave him what he needed. Jesus said, V9, Ask, Seek, Knock (three ways of telling us to make our requests known) and everyone who does so will receive.

Susannah Wesley, mother of John, Charles and many children used to cover her head with her apron to pray. She raised mighty servants of God, who heard and watched her pouring out her soul to God. Smith Wigglesworth never prayed more than half an hour, usually much less, but never went an hour without praying! Perhaps the answer to our problems lies in our own hands and mouths, more closet time (prayer closet), or more carpet time (time on our faces before God).

May our voices be heard in heaven today and may our hearts be drawn closer to God as we seek Him in prayer.

Fathersloveministry is a faith based ministry and would welcome your support.  Ecclesiastes 1,  Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come  upon the land. (Heaven’s insurance policy).

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