Jesus sent out the Twelve and we too must step out, Luke 9

I added a late note to yesterday’s message about the many demands made on Jesus for ministry. The essence of the word was;


Jesus allowed needy people to make demands on Him(interrupt Him), but like the compass, He always turned back to the direction of His own calling.

Luke 9 begins with a radical change for the ministry, the sending out of the Twelve. In Luke 10 this is further developed with the sending out of seventy two others, in pairs, to tell and demonstrate the Kingdom.

Jesus had demonstrated the out working of the Kingdom to His disciples, but now it was their turn. He was not always going to be with them, so they had to be prepared to go out and do the work of the Ministry. Most years in September we see parents weeping as their tiny children leave for their first day at school, looking so small and vulnerable in oversized uniforms. However, that day must come when the little ones leave the parents’ side and take a step into the world for themselves.

V2, Jesus gave them power and authority to drive out demons and to cure diseases and He SENT THEM OUT to preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick.

Like the little children (whom Jesus later held up as true examples V47) the disciples went out and began to do what they’d all seen in Jesus. That time of being SENT OUT must come for all of us. We must be willing to allow the Lord to SEND US OUT to be His representatives, His hands and voice. Step out in faith (it’s all by faith) and see what God will do for you and through you today. Be encouraged, the whole of Heaven is with you, just like the mother’s heart goes with child at the school gate. The place for the child has been prepared and the unfolding of another phase of life can begin.

May God bless you and keep as you step into His calling for your life today. Don’t delay, you’ve been placed here for such a time as this.

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