The desert must do it’s work in us before we can step into our calling.

In this morning’s blog we saw that John the Baptist lived in the desert and grew up there. While he was living there, ‘the word of God came to Him in the desert’.

This word launched John into his ministry, preparing the way for the Lord, preaching and baptising around the Jordan River valley. Both Jesus and John spent time in the desert before stepping out in public ministry.

The desert or wilderness, is a tough place, not soft nor easy for the flesh. It is physically demanding and may also be wearing to the soul. Yet, it is in this tougher environment that the Lord met with John and called him to his life’s purpose. God needs to get our full attention before he can release major assignments to our lives. The Desert Fathers also chose to leave the softer, polluting life and to be stripped of extraneous influences to be with God.

In 1 Sam 22(Spreaker today) we see the story of David fleeing for his life from Saul. In this chapter, two deserts are mentioned by name, Ziph and Maon. David was also led into the desert by a warning from the prophet Gad, don’t settle, keep moving throughout Judah, God’s land.

V14 (Desert of Ziph)says, ‘but God did not give David into Saul’s hands’. V26 (Desert of Maon) says that David and his men were fleeing along one side of a mountain and Saul with his army along the other side. Saul couldn’t get to David because of the Rock/mountain and Jesus is the Rock.

The desert/wilderness is a tough place, few if any people there, it was the place where John the Baptist was formed and called as the forerunner of Christ. David spent much time in the desert, always on the move, never settling until God permitted him to become king of Israel.

The desert(may be uncomfortable for a time, a place of few distractions) has to do it’s work before God will allow us to step fully into our calling!

God bless you.

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