DON’T STOP, keep moving and press on into the things of God!

In this morning’s blog we saw how Simeon was waiting for the fulfilment of a  promise, to see the Messiah before he was called home by the Lord.

Luke 2:27, Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts.

Simeon had the promise but he MOVED to the temple area, where he met the baby Jesus and spoke to Mary, concerning her child and her own future.

Later today, when doing the audio broadcast on Spreaker, from 1 Samuel 22:5 we saw that David had received a Divine warning by the prophet Gad.

1 Samuel 22:5, Do not stay in the stronghold(could become a trap for David and his men). Go into the land of Judah( I believe Judah was the heart of the nation and speaks of being in the centre of God’s will for our lives).

David was warned not to hold up or settle but to keep on moving in the things of God. Saul murdered anyone he could get his hands on who’d helped David, including an entire family of priests.

I believe that the Lord is saying to some of us not to settle but to press on with the things God has put in our hands. Simeon moved and his promise was fulfilled. David moved, trusting in God(not much option with Saul determined to murder him)  and eventually came into all God promised him.

The message is clear, don’t allow anything to slow us or stop us. Press on with the Holy Spirit until we have all that God has spoken over our lives.

God bless you.

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