The two generations who prepared for the Lord’s appearance, Luke 1

Luke 1, following on from yesterday’s word on Zechariah.

Two different generations were chosen to participate in the coming of the Lord.

The older generation of Zechariah and Elisabeth, while he was serving as priest before God, Luke 1:8. It is interesting that Gabriel appeared to Zechariah who disbelieved his message and not to Elisabeth. Both of them were upright in the sight of God… Luke 1:6

The older generation was devout, following rote and ritual(as a friend says) but couldn’t grasp the spiritual reality behind the physical observance. Mary, the younger Jewish woman did receive the angelic message, ‘I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said’. Luke 1:37

Both of them were given prophetic songs.

Mary’s song praised the Lord and spoke of His blessing on her life, ‘for all generations’. It’s cross referenced with Hannah’s song which speaks of the Lord raising up and putting down. It concludes by stating that God has remembered His servant Israel and made good his word to Abraham and his descendants.

Zechariah’s song begins by praising the Lord, then thanks Him for remembering Israel and His oath to Abraham(once again Abraham is named specifically, the father of all true believers). It concludes with the statement of John’s role and calling, particularly in regard to Israel.

V80 And the child grew and became STRONG IN SPIRIT(the only distinguishing mark in John’s life, unlike Jesus or Samuel) and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel.

Will the description in Luke 1 be repeated for the return of the Lord? Will there be two generations working hand in hand to prepare the way. The younger generation, represented by Mary, may well have the major role to play, but the older generation will be needed to help prepare the way.

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