Where is your Galilee, your place of service?

Where is your Galilee?

Isaiah 9:1 “…. but in the future He will honour Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan”.
Jesus brought honour to the area but was also honoured in the area.

In the first four chapters of Mark’s Gospel Jesus public ministry begins unfold. The Galilee was the backdrop to the unveiling of God’s Son to all of humanity.

Mark 1:16 As Jesus walked beside the Galilee He called His disciples, Simon and Andrew, also James and John. They were fishermen(not farmers like most of the surrounding area), V17 ‘follow Me and I will make you fishers of men’.
Mark 2:13 Once again Jesus went out beside the Lake and saw Levi in the tax collector’s booth, follow Me, Jesus told him.
It is significant that once Jesus had called these Galileans(people from the area by the Sea) He didn’t go looking for others, they were His team and later apostles. They were easily distinguishable to those in Jerusalem by their accents(country people, not city dwellers).

Mark 1:21 Jesus taught in the synagogue at Capernaum and delivered a man with a demon. Mark 1:39 ‘So He travelled throughout Galilee, preaching and delivering…’.

Mark 4:39 Jesus taught from a boat on the Lake and later commanded the same Lake to be still in the storm…

God had pre-ordained that His Son who was born in Bethlehem, lived in Egypt, grew up in Nazareth, would minister by the Sea of Galilee. So my question is where is your Galilee? Where’s the place God has called you to serve Him.

It should be a place where you too will be honoured and respected.
It should be a place where you can work with others and serve as part of a ministry team. We should all be serving the Lord in some capacity, ask Him where if you’re not sure.
It should also be a place where your authority is acknowledged, no responsibility without authority.

Jesus ultimate destiny was in the religious capital, Jerusalem, but His greatest ministry area was the Galilee. He touched many lives there!

The Sea of Galilee is one the most beautiful areas in Israel, a natural beauty. It is also part of the lowest lying area of Israel, the Jordan valley.
The place where we serve should hold a beauty for us, no matter what the outward circumstances, there should be something we love and desire in it.
The low lying area also speaks of humility, a place to reach out and help others as the Lord reached out to us.

It was also the place of restoration, Jesus restored Peter by the Sea. Some of us may find His restoring touch in the place where we’re called to serve, no matter how much we think we’ve messed up.

May you find your Galilee today and be fulfilled in the Lord’s call for you there.

God bless you.


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