Acts of kindness to the Lord’s brethren will be remembered, Matt 25:31-46

Recognising the Lord in others Matt 25:31-46.

First of all let me say, this is not a parable, nor just another story. This is a future event which will involve both heaven and earth and determine destiny.

V31-33, When the Son of Man(another name for Jesus) comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will SEPARATE the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats(still using the language of that day). He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.

This is one of those passages where you have to think either Jesus was who He said He was or someone with a vivid imagination. It speaks of Him, ‘sitting on His throne in heavenly glory and judging all the nations’. He makes these statements prior to the crucifixion and the resurrection, while still on earth with His disciples and other followers, those who knew Him best.

The basis of judgement for both groups is the same, how we treated others! Did we feed them, give them something to drink, invite them in, clothe, cared for or visit in prison?

Jesus replied to their question, when did we do it Lord? They had no recollection of doing the things He said.
V40, The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth(count on it), whatever you did for one of the LEAST of these Brothers of Mine, you did for Me’.
It was to the least/lowliest bothers that Jesus acknowledged the kindness.

The reward, V34 ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world’.

The second group didn’t recall neglecting Jesus(His judgement on them).
V45, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you DID NOT DO for one of the LEAST of these, you DID NOT DO FOR ME’.

According to these astonishing words of Jesus, even small acts of kindness, like a glass of water, to those lesser brethren will be recounted at the judgement of all things.

I am also reminded of the Shunamite woman who blessed Elijah the prophet. She in turn was twice blessed on earth, she received a son and later received him back again.

I believe in our lives that God will give us opportunities to give, ‘as unto Him’. We may well not see or know that, but please don’t write off opportunities because the cause or case seems of little account! Ask the Lord to show you who He is bringing to you to bless today, often not with money. Maybe just some of your time and kindness.

May God bless us as we remember His people today.

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