Two encounters for Ruth with Boaz(type of the Lord). A public encounter in the harvest field and a private encounter on the threshing floor.
Yesterday we saw how Ruth was blessed by Boaz, offering her his protection and provision. Stay here with my servant girls, Ruth 2:8. Go and drink from the water jars, Ruth 2:9. Come here and have some bread, Ruth 2:14.
Boaz also told his men, ‘don’t rebuke her’, Ruth 2:16. God can tell people around you to be quiet and not to touch His loved ones. Maybe some of us need to claim this protection over our lives today, ask the Lord to shut mouths. God wants to bless us so we should ask Him for His favour today, and this New Year on our lives. Ask and it will be given you!
The first encounter was in the workplace during the hard work of harvest but the second was private and planned. Naomi said to Ruth, ‘should I not try to find a home(rest) for you’, Ruth 3:1.
Naomi told Ruth to prepare for this meeting! Wash and perfume yourself and put on your best clothes, Ruth 3:3. This was a meeting concerning Ruth’s Destiny and not to be taken lightly. Going to wait before the Lord and seek His Face for our futures also needs time and preparation. We need to clean up and wash off the dirt and dust of our day before rushing into His presence, planned waiting.
The first meeting was about working but the next one involved waiting, lying at His feet, Ruth 3:4. The first concerned what Ruth could do, her work, but the second was all about what the Lord would do for her and He of course was the more powerful.
Both working and waiting are necessary and have their place, but ultimately our work is limited. Ruth, under the guidance of Naomi(the Spirit), invited the Lord of the harvest to move on her behalf. She wanted to be His bride, ‘Spread the corner of your garment over me’, Ruth 3:9. To move from the place of service to the place of intimacy requires a complete change of pace and attitude. Western society today is not good at being still and waiting alone with the Lord, but that’s where Ruth’s Destiny was settled! We can be good workers but poor when it comes to waiting for Him.
May we take time this year to be still in His presence and to seek Him for what He will do in our lives.
God bless you and may you receive all He has for you this year and in the coming decade.