Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things(not just a few things) will be given to you as well.
As I looked in an old Bible today I saw that a friend called Sven Uno had given me this verse of scripture in a Christmas Card on 16 December 1995, a long time ago now. I had travelled with him on a prayer team around Spain in 1991 and later met with him in Gothenburg, Sweden. He was a faithful brother with a wonderful servant’s heart, always looking for ways to help others. The other thing I remember was that he was a very skilful driver, picking his way in a large Chrysler people carrier full of intercessors through the heavy traffic in cities like Madrid, Seville and Barcelona. The driving in Spain was very different from Ireland, a lot more aggressive with drivers contesting every piece of ground.
So this friend, the skilful driver, sent me this verse, with a direction for my life. You see there can be a lot of contesting in the traffic of our lives, a lot of pushing and shoving going on and we can become caught up in it. Our hearts can be influenced by the spirit of those all around us and suddenly we’re in there, fighting for ‘our ground’. Sadly, this is especially true during Christmas time.
Jesus said, ‘seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God’ and the other things we need will follow. Don’t allow yourself to be sucked into the race for things/possessions.
In a parallel reference to this section of Matthew in Luke 12:32-34, Jesus says, where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also. Our hearts will follow our treasure, there is a drawing power in what we value and prize.
May you be blessed today and may your heart seek security in the Father’s Love, the true way to receive all our needs.