God has equipped you where He’s placed you

In Daniel 1, we read about four children of exile from Jerusalem who were moved to positions of influence in the court of a foreign king.

Training period of three years, like studying for a university degree today. They remained kosher, wouldn’t eat the king’s food there. They sat their finals, interviewed by the king and were appointed to his service. Training was over and their working lives had begun.

I wonder how many of us today feel strangers in our own workplaces and other areas of our lives. We have the call and destiny of Heaven on our lives but ‘our place’ seems far removed from that.

V17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning . In addition, Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

God prepared and equipped these four exiles to function in the court of the king of Babylon, which symbolises the world system. Daniel was also given a supernatural gift, he could function in two realms and so can we today. We too have a connection and understanding in the realm of the Spirit.

It is important for us to know we are in the ‘right place’ today! It may or may not be the best paid area and it may seem to be totally at odds with our Kingdom calling but we need to be where we’re called to be. The exile of Judah to Babylon placed the people of God and His plan for mankind under the hand of a foreign king who had the power of life and death in his hands, but God kept them.

God is able to keep us where He’s placed, even in the heart of the enemy camp. Don’t be discouraged today, serve Him and His plans for your life will bear eternal fruit.

Be blessed as you walk out your calling today.

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