Step out again after our failures, like Peter

Often it’s our failures that qualify us more than our abilities.

I’ve been reading Peter’s first letter to the scattered and often persecuted church. How much he had matured since the earlier days with Jesus, how his faith had developed. We have to grow into our calling, it takes time and much moulding by the Spirit before we can be useful to Him.

Only in Matthew, 14:22-33, do we learn that Peter alone left the safety of the boat to walk on the stormy sea of Galilee. Unfortunately at that time his faith didn’t take him all the way to where Jesus was waiting. Jesus chided him but at least he’d stepped out and probably learned a lesson that remained with him all his life.

Similarly in the pre crucifixion scene, Peter tried to stay with Jesus in His trial but once again fear overcame him. His strength failed him, but later when Jesus restored him, he confessed three times that he loved Jesus.

It was Peter who led the early church in the beginning of Acts(Paul in the latter section). He addressed the crowd at the day of Pentecost, later he went to the house of Cornelius and witnessed the outpouring of the Spirit and birth of the gentile church. The man who had some of the greatest failures was used in some of the mightiest moves in the early church.

Our mistakes don’t disqualify us from being used mightily by God, they can be the springboard to launch us into the greater works, provided we repent of our shortcomings and love the Lord.

I’d like to end with an exhortation from a famous Irish poet and writer, Seamus Heaney;

“Even if the last move did not succeed the INNER COMMAND says move again”.

Your dreams are not lost, the Lord still has a future and a hope for you. Be blessed as you step out again today.



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