An apostolic letter to the early church, scattered in the world


1Peter 1:1,2
Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ.

To God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father …..

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

I started to read the first letter of Peter this morning and was struck by some things in the opening verses.

First of all, Peter was an apostle, a foundation layer, he was there at the very beginning. The opening to the letter states he was an apostle of Jesus Christ, very important in this day that Jesus is the heart and centre of any work. Peter spells it out clearly in the very first words of the epistle.

Then the letter sets out the people who it’s written for, people scattered in five different areas of the known world. The chosen of God were widely dispersed and yet Peter was able to address them by letter from Jerusalem. My thought was if it hadn’t been for these unknown believers so long ago then we wouldn’t be here today! They were the bedrock, the first generation of the church and because they overcame and held onto their faith we exist.

Peter addresses them as God’s elect, strangers in the world. We are strangers in this world, it’s not our place and we need to realise that and not live our lives as if it were. Peter states it again 2:11,
‘Dear friends, I urge you as aliens and strangers in the world…’

Finally, Peter wishes them abundant grace and peace. The things we most need to fulfill our calling and spread His church in our own time.

So, may you have abundant grace and peace today and every day.

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