Yesterday I was sharing from Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will direct your paths.
As the new Father’s Love Ministry we held our first conference on Friday 25 October in the Culloden Estate, east of Belfast. My wife wants to see all things done for the Lord in excellence, only the best is good enough for Him. So often in the church we have a ‘make do’ attitude, while the world enjoys the best. Our Father created all things for us, His children to enjoy.
Prior to the meetings we discovered that the original house had been bought by the Church of Ireland as a bishop’s palace around 1898 and was owned by the church for approximately 25 years. A private chapel had been sanctified within the building and there are still traces of the ecclesiastical history today.
A coat of arms or heraldic shield is carved on a stone and set high in the wall to the right hand side of the Hotel entrance. The French motto reads, ‘Foi est tout’,
Faith is Everything! This place had a history in the Spirit, a site of spiritual authority overlooking Belfast Lough, an entry point to the Land. We didn’t know about it but our Father did and I believe led us there.
I have heard it said that N.Ireland is the Bible Belt of the UK, a Christian heritage or deposit still remains in this land. It is the only part of the UK and Ireland that didn’t vote for abortion or same sex marriage.
Throughout the violence of the Troubles we became known as the place where Christians murdered one another, Catholics and Protestants. I believe in a coming move of God which will touch these islands again and that this has been strongly opposed because of the heritage of these lands.
The meetings in the Hotel tapped into a well that was already there, which we didn’t know anything about. God has a purpose for this Land today. It may not be the same as times past but the wells are there.
Please make a donation to the ministry, via Fathers Love Ministry webpage or the Ministry Facebook page. As I shared on Spreaker, not speaker, yesterday. Eccl 11:1,2 giving to the Lord is like Heaven’s insurance policy, protection in times of trouble.
Be blessed as another week ends and do consider investing in the Lord’s work.
God is no man’s debtor!