Trust in the Lord with all your heart
I once memorised the third chapter of Proverbs, lots of good verses to write on the tablets of the heart and meditate upon in quiet moments. It is good to feed on His word, to direct the mind to something of the Spirit. Our minds today are so infiltrated with the incessant pictures and speech of the media
Verses 5 and 6 have stayed with me for a long time,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
The verses say, ‘don’t trust your own understanding’. It’s so easy for us to do that, after all that’s the way the world around us functions.
We need to get into the habit of asking God to help us and indeed direct our steps in the situations of daily life. Turning to Him and asking for His intervention can give us much assurance that we are not facing life’s problems alone.
There were two trees in the Garden, the tree of knowledge and the tree of Life. Modern man seeks to function out of his own knowledge, independent of God, which is really pride based. We need to eat from the tree of Life, to have that Life flowing in us and through every day.
Have a blessed day and may His hand make straight your paths today. May you be in the right place at the right time today.