The Lord has Need of it

Twice in the Gospels, Matt 21:3 and Luke 19:31 we’re told of Jesus entry into Jerusalem.

The Lord of all the earth, who came to save mankind, asked permission to use a colt to enter the city. He acknowledged another’s ownership in humility, even though He was fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy 9:9

’Say to the daughter of Zion,

See your king comes to you

gentle and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey’.


Jesus didn’t snatch or take, He asked knowing it would be given.

Does He require something from us today? It may seem like we don’t have very much to give but Jesus needed that colt on that day for His entry to the city of Jerusalem.

Our dear friend Kitty Walden, says, “It’ll be there when we need it”.

We recently experienced a financial miracle, money was owed for a conference we were running, but on the morning it was starting a friend contacted me to ask were the costs covered? Later that day he helped cover a sizeable portion of the amount owed. Earlier that same day my wife had opened her bible at Isaiah 59,

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save,

nor His ear too dull to hear.

The colt was there waiting for Jesus, but when He needed it

Your provision will be there when you need it, in His will!

Have a blessed day as you walk out His plan for your life today


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