A prophetic friend, Russ Walden, said the Lord had spoken these words to him. Could it really be that the direction of our lives may be influenced by our giving? When I look back on my own life it seems the principle was at work in several key areas even though I was UNAWARE of it.
In the early 1990s I see three areas where doors opened after I’d given modest amounts.
Queen’s University, Belfast, made an appeal for funds and my softly spoken mother urged me to support it. I ended up working there for over 20 years and using the generous holidays for ministry trips.
A powerful minister from Sweden, Kjell Sjoberg, visited Belfast and Ireland to lead prophetic prayer conferences. I later gave a gift to his Ministry and travelled with him to many nations as part of international prayer teams.
In January 1992 I travelled to Israel for the first time and became aware of the return of the Jewish people to their homeland, making Aliyah, in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. I supported them financially and have made ten further trips to the Land. Most people make 1 or 2 trips in a lifetime.
All of these opportunities came together around the same period in my life and all happened as a result of supporting others at my own expense. Surely there is a kingdom principle at work here.
Give and it will be given unto you, Luke6:38. The returns were not just financial but coming onto my life’s path!
Finally, in the year 2011, I met a lady called Anne, who was going on a ministry trip to Lagos, Nigeria. I felt lead to give her a gift for the trip and today we are happily married. The principle still works.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver, 2Cor 9:7