You’re going where you’re giving

A prophetic friend, Russ Walden, said the Lord had spoken these words to him. Could it really be that the direction of our lives may be influenced by our giving? When I look back on my own life it seems the principle was at work in several key areas even though I was UNAWARE of it.

In the early 1990s I see three areas where doors opened after I’d given modest amounts.

Queen’s University, Belfast, made an appeal for funds and my softly spoken mother urged me to support it. I ended up working there for over 20 years and using the generous holidays for ministry trips.

A powerful minister from Sweden, Kjell Sjoberg, visited Belfast and Ireland to lead prophetic prayer conferences. I later gave a gift to his Ministry and travelled with him to many nations as part of international prayer teams.

In January 1992 I travelled to Israel for the first time and became aware of the return of the Jewish people to their homeland, making Aliyah, in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  I supported them financially and have made ten further   trips to the Land. Most people make 1 or 2 trips in a lifetime.

All of these opportunities came together around the same period in my life and all happened as a result of supporting others at my own expense. Surely there is a kingdom principle at work here.

Give and it will be given unto you, Luke6:38. The returns were not just financial but coming onto my life’s path!

Finally, in the year 2011, I met a lady called Anne, who was going on a ministry trip to Lagos, Nigeria. I felt lead to give her a gift for the trip and today we are happily married. The principle still works.

The Lord loves a cheerful giver, 2Cor 9:7

Pastoral Care

Graham McCartney is a man infused with the love and wisdom of a shepherd. He has walked with spiritual giants in the kingdom throughout his lifetime and is hear to give you a listening ear and a kind heart to guide you through the most difficult situations. Use the calendar below to find available appointment times (in blue), then choose the date and time you wish your phone call to take place. You will be contacted with a confirmation e-mail and the number for you to contact Ann on the day of your appointment. Note that the requisite valuation for this time with Graham is £49.00 ($63.00 USD). We encourage you to invest in your personal breakthrough!


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Prophetic Counseling

Anne McCartney is a respected prophetic voice in Northern Ireland and the UK. She is available to speak to by phone for an in-depth prophetic encounter. Use the calendar below to find available appointment times (in blue), then choose the date and time you wish your phone call to take place. You will be contacted with a confirmation e-mail and the number for you to contact Ann on the day of your appointment. Note that the requisite valuation for this time with Anne is £149.00 ($192.00 USD). We encourage you to invest in your personal breakthrough!


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Welcome to Father’s Love Ministry!

Hello, this is Graham and Anne McCartney! We are here to speak into your life, bringing edification, exhortation, and breakthrough. Check back often as this website evolves and launches as a powerful prophetic resource in the UK and around the globe! We are here to extend to you a personal connection to the prophetic through prophetic counseling and pastoral care. To schedule prophetic counseling by phone or to speak with a pastor, use the links above to bring up the calendar and to select the day and time suitable to your schedule.