Jewish people still keep the Sabbath, shouldn’t we? Ezek 20

Ezekiel chapter 20 begins with the elders of Israel coming to sit before the prophet and enquire of the Lord.

God is angry with Israel because they have disobeyed His Laws and commands and desecrated His Sabbaths.

Also I gave them MY Sabbaths AS A SIGN between us, so they would know that I the Lord made them holy. Ezk 20:12

God actually calls them ‘MY Sabbaths’, 6 times in this chapter. Time set apart for Him; to be with Him.

Orthodox Jews, both in Israel and outside, strictly observe the Sabbath. They switch off their phones, televisions and internet. I remember a leader living in Jerusalem, saying it was such a blessing(so peaceful), to switch off their phone! I believe many of God’s people today, myself included, have become addicted to technology. It used to be that people couldn’t live without their televisions, for example if they broke down. The problem today has increased many fold with mobile phones, tablets and iPads which are always present. This is a major challenge for us to set aside this technology which has been a great blessing and focus on God. God will not be second to anything else in our lives and the way we spend our time shows clearly what or who is ruling over us. Our flesh always want its own way.

And I said to them, “Each of you, get rid of the VILE IMAGES you have set your eyes on and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt, I am the lord your God”. Ezek 20:7

…and desecrated MY Sabbaths. For their hearts WERE DEVOTED TO THEIR IDOLS. Ezek 20:16

It’s not just a question of HOW MUCH TIME we’re spending on this technology, but WHAT WE’RE FEEDING through our eyes and ears, the gates to our souls! Society has changed so rapidly with technology, WHAT WAS UNTHINKABLE ONLY A GENERATION AGO IS COMMONPLACE TODAY.(‘Vile images’ are the norm on our screens). We have to ask who or what is moulding and shaping/the major influences on our lives and the lives of our families today?

Can we learn something vital from the Jewish people, who faithfully switch off the bombardment of this world from their lives for a day of rest every week?

Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the sabbath”. Mark 2:27

God gave mankind the Sabbath to be a blessing, a day of rest, to reflect and recalibrate our lives. We would be wise to accept His gift and switch off or keep out the world from our lives.

God bless and keep you today.



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