Holy to the Lord and committed to His Body.

HOLY, root meaning- set apart, separated unto the Lord(but how much are we separated to the Lord?)

A friend was taking some online teaching over the weekend and one of the main issues being highlighted was what we as believers are feeding our minds and souls. One point was that the news on the media always carries ‘fear’, especially recently with the virus, but many other negative things. Everything we watch, listen to and interact with will leave a residue in our souls. What we continually think on is who we really are! Selah(KJV) – pause and consider.

The online teaching emphasised the need to be filling our minds with the Word and things of God, to allow them to shape us. On 6 May I did a blog around Phil 4:8,9 entitled ‘Think on these things’ giving different Bible versions of these verses(still on webpage fathersloveministry.co.uk). They were told that God would do(be able to do) more for us if we were aligned with Him.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Phil 4:8

On Friday last a football/soccer player and manager called Jack Charlton died aged 85. He was a centre back on England’s World Cup winning team and later became manager of the Republic of Ireland’s national team, against all odds for an English man to manage Ireland! He proved Ireland’s most successful manager and raised the team to new levels(European Championship and two World Cup qualifiers).

One of the players said they changed the way they played and the ‘GOALS AGAINST rate dropped hugely’. Charlton, a central defender, stopped them giving away ‘easy goals’. He said ‘Many games were lost, rather than won’. How many easy goals do we give away by not guarding our hearts?

ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, for it is the wellspring of life. Prov 4:23

Ireland played together as a team as never before, became difficult to beat and won many matches. Christians talk about being in unity(united), perhaps we need to consider how we are playing for the team? Charlton’s team, from a small nation, had all to play his style of game and work as a unit for one another; he was their manager. This also meant that some more gifted players who couldn’t or wouldn’t adapt to playing this way were dropped. There is only one head in the Body and He alone knows the winning strategy for the Church. It’s not always the most talented who play the leading roles but the most committed. I read or heard somewhere that the great evangelist, Rheinhard Bonnke, was the Lord’s third choice to send to Africa.

Charlton’s main tactic was to pressurise opposing teams, go forward relentlessly and play in their half and penalty area, causing them to make mistakes. This type of game was physically demanding on the players but the team began to win. Again if we consider how many believers today, I’m speaking to myself here as well, are content to coast along in our comfort zones and never really exert ourselves for the Lord. Corrie ten Boom said something like, ‘too many teas and cakes and too little prayer’. It takes commitment to play on a winning team!

Guard our hearts, don’t give away easy goals.

We are part of Christ’s body(our team), playing together.

Keep going forward in the Lord, the opposition is vulnerable.

God bless and keep you today.


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