Acts19:29, “Soon the ‘whole city’ was in an uproar…”. The preceding verse states, “they were furious and began shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians”! Ephesus was a religious city, with a ruling goddess and Paul’s message was threatening and destroying that rule.
Acts 21:29, “The ‘whole city’ was aroused…”. This time it was the city of Jerusalem, another religious city(multiple religions/churches are based there today) and once again the entire city was aroused. Spirits of religion are literally a stronghold(having a ‘strong hold’) over a city or an area. One of the founders of Operation Exodus, brings Jewish people back to Israel, said there was a demon on every street corner in Jerusalem. He was identifying the intensity of the demonic opposition there, yet Jerusalem has a prophetic name meaning ‘peace’.
My mentor from Sweden, Kjell Sjoberg, was a missionary in India and Pakistan for many years. He said that the toughest times they had in the land were when the religious parties came to power. The demons behind those religions were also very violent in their opposition to the Gospel. The many different international missionaries were thankful when the secular parties governed, life was less dangerous for them.
Kjell got a book/diary of Praying Hyde’s ministry in India, all the places he’d ministered in the land before partition. John Hyde from the USA had prayed so fervently that his heart shifted within his body, but he’d seen multitudes saved. Kjell saw that the places where he’d prayed were still the most open to the Gospel years later, the religious strongholds had gone. After his time on the mission field, Kjell eventually moved into a worldwide ministry of identifying and pulling down religious strongholds. Charles Finney, perhaps the greatest American evangelist, also had brother Nash, who prayed much in places before he came to minister. I believe research shows that Finney had the highest success rate of people who kept their faith, converted under him.
Praying Hyde, brother Nash, Kjell and other intercessors weakened the spiritual strongholds over areas. Paul suffered uproar in many places because he was in full frontal confrontation with resident religious spirits. Evangelists and churches need focused prayer support, to win the battles in the spirit before the people can be released to come to Jesus.
As I mentioned yesterday, the Church in Iran, seek the Holy Spirit’s leading in prayer before! they go out to testify. They are working with the Spirit and seeing much fruit.
God bless and keep you today.