Get rid of anything tainted or stained with darkness, burn it or destroy it. Acts 19:19
Acts 19 tells the story of the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who were using the name of Jesus (with no authority or right to do so) when trying to drive out evil spirits. The man with the evil spirit beat them up and both Jews and Greeks who heard about it were afraid and held the Lord’s Name in high esteem.
“Many of those who believed NOW CAME(as a result of what had happened) and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practised sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas(a drachma was about a day’s wages)”.
Something cathartic/cleansing happened to the body of believers and there was a public burning of materials stained with wickedness from their past lives. When I came to the Lord, I immediately felt to go and burn some magazines and papers in my possession, don’t even remember what they were now. My sister had done the same thing(she lived abroad) and we’d never spoken about it.
The other significant thing was the high value of the material. The enemy often gets us to buy things at a high price so that we find it difficult to dispose of them. Derek Prince, who was a pioneer in the deliverance ministry, felt that there was something not right in his house. He asked the Lord to show him anything that was causing problems and his attention was drawn to two expensive, rare oriental vases. He believed that they had demonic connections, yet they were very striking. He chose to remove and destroy them(didn’t sell them on to someone else). People often go on holiday and bring back ‘expensive souvenirs’ from other lands, unaware that they may have been ‘dedicated’ to evil entities.
This is the time of year for Spring cleaning, it would be good to ask the Lord to show us any objects with spiritual connections that we need to remove from our homes or workplaces. May even be something very small, like jewellery or medals.
“In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power”, after the hindrances had been removed.
God bless you and keep you today and every day.