23 When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and BOWED DOWN BEFORE DAVID WITH HER FACE TO THE GROUND. (Abigail took the initiative) 1 Samuel 25
Abigail, the ‘intelligent and beautiful woman’, verse 3, fell on her face before David and his four hundred men, an act of great public humility. She realised that her family’s future depended upon her appeasing these men whom her husband had so insulted. We said in an earlier blog that Abigail had to act quickly and decisively, but this was the moment when the outcome of her actions would be decided. She had no guarantee that her gift would be accepted but she spoke well to David and REMINDED HIM of the promise of God upon his life.
26 And now, my lord, as surely as the Lord your God lives and as you live, since the Lord has kept you from bloodshed and from avenging yourself with your own hands, may your enemies and all who are intent on harming my lord be like Nabal. 27 And let this gift, which your servant has brought to my lord, be given to the men who follow you.
28 ‘Please forgive your servant’s presumption. The Lord your God will certainly make a lasting dynasty for my lord, because you fight the Lord’s battles, and no wrongdoing will be found in you as long as you live. 1 Samuel 25
As I’m writing this today I wonder IF GOD IS EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO SOME OF YOU TO COME BEFORE HIM IN HUMILITY AND SPEAK WITH HIM. A PERSONAL AUDIENCE WITH GOD to tell Him what’s on your heart and mind and ask for His help in your situations.
2 Take words with you
and return to the Lord.
Say to him:
‘Forgive all our sins
that we may offer the fruit of our lips. Hosea 14
18 “Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land; Isaiah 1
David, a man hot with anger, was moved by the sincerity of Abigail’s peace offering and her plea. How much more does a loving, compassionate God want to restore relationship with hurting, fearful people. The account of Abigail ends with a much deeper relationship, she humbled herself once more after Nabal died and David’s men came to take her to be his wife. The Lord is assembling His bride on earth right now and His invitation to come into a deeper, more fulfilling relationship is open to all. Take that step towards Him and you’ll know His love and support afresh in your life.
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.