5 Now Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith, PUT HIMSELF FORWARD AND SAID, ‘I WILL BE KING.’ 1 Kings 1
(It’s interesting that the two Books of Kings open with an attempt to usurp King David’s throne – men’s lust for power is never far away!)
This is a verse from the Haftarah portion, the Prophets, which will be read in all synagogues on this Shabbat. King David was now an old man and his son Adoijah, ‘Put himself forward’, to usurp his elderly father’s position as King. He gathered powerful people around him and even scarified burnt offerings to legitimise his claim to the throne, but it didn’t work!
7 Adonijah conferred with Joab son of Zeruiah and with Abiathar the priest, and they gave him their support. 8 But Zadok the priest, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei and Rei and David’s special guard did not join Adonijah. 1 Kings 1
There was now a division in the leadership of God’s people, who would ascend to rule the land? Nathan, David’s prophet, spoke with Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon, whose given name Jedidiah means, ‘beloved of God’. Nathan told her what she and he must do to preserve her own life and the life of her son. They must go before King David, tell him what was happening and press him to install Solomon as his future successor.
25 ‘Today he (Adonijah) has gone down and sacrificed great numbers of cattle, fattened calves, and sheep. He has invited all the king’s sons, the commanders of the army and Abiathar the priest. At this very moment they are eating and drinking with him and saying, “Long live King Adonijah!” 26 But me your servant, (Nathan) and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and your servant Solomon he did not invite.’ (The false investiture by Adonijah, held without legitimate authority.)
David, the ruling monarch, was the only one who had the authority to choose the next leader of the nation. He acted at once upon hearing what was going on. He told those around him to take Solomon on the King’s mule, anoint him as King, announced by sounding the trumpet and seat him on David’s throne. The news soon spread to those gathered around Adonijah and they fled, no longer wanting to be seen as any part of the usurper’s party.
The man who was, ‘beloved of God’ was rightfully declared King and the people rejoiced. It’s interesting that this should be the portion of the Prophets being read in synagogues for this Shabbat, perhaps God is speaking again through His Word today.
39 Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the sacred tent and anointed Solomon. Then they sounded the trumpet and ALL THE PEOPLE SHOUTED, ‘Long live King Solomon!’ 1 Kings 1
Haftarah Blessing in English
Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Rock of all creation, Righteous One of all generations, the faithful God whose word is deed, whose every command is just and true. For holiness and rest, for honour and glory: we thank and bless You.
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.