10 Whoever leads the upright along an evil path
will fall into their own trap, (Poetic Justice, happens more than we realise)
and benefits those who see the sun. Ecclesiastes 7
A GOOD INHERITANCE IS GOD’S IDEA FOR HIS CHILDREN. Since we’re all going to leave this scene of time to go into eternity, we must leave something from our lives here for others, especially our families. Many people today talk about their LEGACY, what will be left when they’re no longer present here. They strive to leave something for which people will remember them, so that their memory will not be forgotten. Mankind’s best attempts to live on after death, with statues, memorials and such things.
God gave Israel the land of Canaan, that was to be a lasting inheritance, property for the succeeding generations of their people.
8 “So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, THAT YOU MAY POSSESS THIS GOOD LAND AND PASS IT ON AS AN INHERITANCE TO YOUR DESCENDANTS FOREVER.” 1 Chronicles 28
It’s one thing to POSSESS something, but it’s better still to PASS IT ON! It was never God’s will that the land of Canaan be taken out of Israel’s control. David told the people that if they remained faithful to God, then they would be able to pass something on, A GOOD INHERITANCE TO THEIR OFFSPRING. There is a saying that, ‘we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us’. It’s quite sobering to think the people nearest and dearest to us will be affected by the way we live our lives today and not just in terms of property and wealth we leave.
More importantly is the spiritual blessing we pass on to others around us. I was listening recently to Johnny Enlow and Steve Shultz. Johnny was born in Peru, but is now ministering through much of South America. He said that the Lord had spoken to him several times and told him that he was able to do something, ‘because his father had sown for the Lord in that place’. THERE WAS AN UNSEEN INHERITANCE IN THE SPIRIT because someone from a previous generation had been faithful to God.
I’ve spoken before about a spiritual father from Sweden, Kjell Sjoberg, who was a missionary with his wife Lena in Pakistan for some twelve years. A famous missionary from America, known as Praying Hyde had ministered there before Kjell and Lena. Kjell read a copy of Praying Hyde’s journals and discovered that the areas where their work was prospering most was where Hyde’s prayers had gone up. Hyde’s prayers opened something in the realm of the spirit which resulted in blessing for those following him.
No one may see or know anything of UNSEEN SPIRITUAL INHERITANCES, but they can be just as real and more powerful than the handing on of physical property or wealth. However, both are a blessing to those who receive them. When we are faithful to God during our lives here, then we open the door for greater blessings for those who follow us and through multiple generations.
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.