9 So from that time on King Saul kept a JEALOUS WATCH ON DAVID. (Beloved of God) 1 Samuel 18 The Living Bible (TLB)
After David’s great victory over Goliath and Israel’s rout of the Philistine army, there was a celebration for the homecoming of the victorious troops. The women came out to welcome and praise their men,
Women came out from all the towns along the way to celebrate and to cheer for King Saul, and were singing and dancing for joy with tambourines and cymbals.
7 However, this was their song: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands!”
8 Of course SAUL WAS VERY ANGRY. “What’s this?” he said to himself. “They credit David with ten thousands and me with only thousands. Next they’ll be making him their king!” 1 Samuel 18, TLB
David had opened the way for Israel’s victory, but King Saul was jealous and from that time on he opposed David, God’s anointed and tried to have him killed. David’s first victory was against an external enemy and God gave him swift success, but his next opponent was the leader of his own people and David refused to harm him. Unfortunately to this day there are some within the Church body, (and also outside in the world), including leaders who are operating with destruction in their hearts. Eventually God Himself dealt with Saul, but David had to guard himself physically and spiritually from overreacting to Saul’s aggression, even to the point of hiding amongst the Philistines. Many people today have also been driven out of the Church community by those seeking to maintain their position and influence.
God may test us at times to see what we will do in difficult situations, even when we’re wronged without reason, but we must be careful not to allow our hearts to become bitter towards others, not always an easy choice. David would eventually become the most famous King of Israel, but it wasn’t by his own hand or by men, he trusted God to keep him and those he loved in the hardest times. Our greatest battles may come from those closest to us, who can wound us most deeply, but OUR REAL FIGHT IS TO KEEP OUR OWN HEARTS IN THE FACE OF EXTREME PROVOCATION.
May the Lord bless you and help you this day in every battle you face. Immanuel, God is with us.