God is committed to restoring and using fallen people, Acts 10, 11

God is committed to using ‘fallen man’ to bring about His purposes in the earth.

I’ve been reading about Peter, Acts 10, 11 and his visit by the servants of Cornelius. Cornelius had the visitation to send for Peter, including his address, Simon’s house by the sea.

Peter had a vision while praying on the roof of the house, preparing him for the three men’s visit. He was told by the Spirit to go to the house of Cornelius, gentile Roman centurion, forbidden by Jewish Law(he was later accused in Jerusalem of breaking the Law). They left next day, Peter and six believers from Joppa, seven in total(Acts 11:12), represents completion or perfection. On arrival at Cornelius’ house they witnessed the outpouring of the Spirit, “So then, God has granted even the Gentiles REPENTANCE UNTO LIFE”, Acts 11:18.

It was a seismic change for the Jewish world that some people were now believing that Jesus was the way of salvation, confirmed by miraculous signs and wonders. While they were still grappling with that, the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles. God’s new plan for salvation to all nations, not just the Jewish people had been initiated.

His chosen instrument to bring about this new phase of His world wide Kingdom was Peter, the man who’d fallen so badly at the crucifixion. Jesus had to reinstate Peter three times. It may be that Peter was more ready to not trust in himself and his own views after the crucifixion, though he did balk at the message of the vision from heaven.

Paul preached the Gospel to the Gentiles, even to the heart of Rome. Peter, the Rock, but had been impulsive, became the leader of the Church in Jerusalem. God restored a man and used him mightily to lead His people in His new vessel on earth.

We have all fallen in various ways, but the same God who restored Peter is more than able to restore us and use us for His plans and purposes. Get back up and go on again with whatever your hand finds to do.

God is with us, Immanuel.

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