17 And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.’ Then the Lord OPENED THE SERVANT’S EYES, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all round Elisha. 2 Kings 6
Elisha’s first prayer in this account was to calm the fear of his own servant. Once his servant’s eyes were opened his fear disappeared because he saw the fiery armies of heaven were also on the hills around the city of Dothan (the name means two wells).
18 As the enemy came down towards him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, ‘STRIKE THESE PEOPLE WITH BLINDNESS.’ SO HE STRUCK THEM WITH BLINDNESS, AS ELISHA HAD ASKED.
Once again Elisha prayed that the approaching army would be blinded and the Lord did as he’d asked. The soldiers could somehow no longer see or recognise the prophet they’d come to capture. God was able to open the spiritual eyes of a servant and at the same time obscure the eyes of the army. In Acts 9 we read how Saul was temporarily blinded when he encountered the Lord on the road to Damascus. Sometimes our natural senses may be dimmed until the Lord’s plans are accomplished.
Elisha prayed twice in a time of danger but the prophet was constantly attuned to the Spirit of God as he was able to warn the King of Israel when to avoid danger. Are we Emergency Pray-ers or can the Lord speak and warn us of things around us? I recently heard someone say that the prophetic is operating at a very low level in the Body at present. Also in a recent meeting one of the speakers began by saying that there is a SHARPENING COMING to the prophetic gifting in the Body at this time.
Smith Wigglesworth never prayed for more than half an hour, but never went more than half an hour without praying. We must become more God centred and God aware in an age when technology is so prevalent. The speaker in the meeting we attended opened by saying God was going to SHARPEN THE PROPHETIC, so there must be a need for this today. How can we as believers become more inclined towards God and less available to the call of this world? That’s a question we must all ask ourselves. We’re only here for a certain window of time, then we’ll move on into eternity. May the Lord help us to focus on Him more than the passing things of this world.
May the Lord bless and keep you. Immanuel, God is with us.