9 The Lord detests the way of the wicked,
WHAT WE BEHOLD WE BECOME! (The Late Neville Johnson)
I was talking to a young believer recently who was just a few weeks away from sitting his final school exams to hopefully gain a place in a prestigious college. His mother said he had even been studying on the journey in their car, he was so committed to achieving the grades he needed to move on with his career and the next phase of life. That’s the phase of life, he and many others are in at the present time, competing for the highest marks to get into the best colleges and universities. I certainly hope he is successful and though I only met him once, I’m praying that he gets his necessary grades.
The scripture above says that the Lord loves those WHO ‘PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS’. There is a danger for believers (of any Age) in just drifting along and going with the flow in the world around us. People who are studying must constantly fill their minds with the information on which they’re going to be tested. They can therefore become captivated by the knowledge and learning of this world! Many young people in other religions are trained to recite verses from their own writings over and over until they become ingrained in their minds. There is a battle for the minds of all people on the planet at this time and it is a crucial battle. Multitudes are in danger of perishing because their minds have been deeply infiltrated by a powerful enemy agenda.
13 ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.‘ Matthew 7
I cannot recall where I read about a Christian studying for a secular degree, but they made a vow/promise to take time with the Lord at the beginning of every day before starting their study. Several days it was only a few minutes but they still gave some time and God honoured them for it. They put God first and though it wasn’t always easy they kept on doing that.
A stranger example I recall was a man studying in seminary to become a missionary, (May have been Fraser of Lisuland). He told a tutor that despite the heavy workload of his studies, that he too gave time to the Lord. He described it as, ‘putting first things first’. He became a successful missionary.
Many people cram for exams and pass the grades, but don’t carry on after they qualify. The race for the believer is a lifelong journey with the Lord.
Finally just this past week we read a post by a mother whose daughter had asked to visit a Gaming Trade Show, which turned out to be predominantly demonic. So much so that the mother felt nauseous just being there. The enemy is targeting the minds of impressionable young people in a field where the Church is hugely underrepresented. I do believe that the Lord is on the move, but the Church has to undergo massive transformation to reach next generation. A well known prophet said the Lord had spoken to him and said not to fear the technology. God has allowed it so He can use it for His Glory.
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.