The main thing is not the main thing(so said a prophetic friend after a group activity).
The term ‘Ice breaker’ is something I haven’t heard for a long time, but it used to be much in vogue for meetings, especially meetings where people came together for the first time. It could be used at any time however, just to get people to mix and develop a group dynamic. Whatever task the group were given involved people doing something together, maybe competing with one another. They were given something to do, ‘the main thing’, but the real aim was to develop a closer unity in the group; cause people to gel (stick together).
I have always felt doing non religious tasks together as believers was very beneficial as you got to see something different about people, maybe as you worked together. Masks may come down and people talk more freely as they focus on something they’re doing, perhaps sharing at a deeper level. People we work alongside may well know us in a different way(other facets of our personality) from those in church.
The early church were one in heart and mind…they shared everything. Acts 4:32. They ministered together, as one body, but also lived together and shared their resources. God blessed and confirmed the ministry with miraculous signs but the powerful unity, oneness(no arguing nor bickering) in the body meant the Spirit could flow without hindrance. All the preaching and ministry were going on, ‘the main thing’, but they were a tightly knit unit, blessed by God.
The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade. No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. Acts 5:12-14
The deeper unity in the early church, often under religious persecution, will be needed again before the Lord’s return. The church in Iran(to mention just one country) is seeing dynamic growth but at great risk to the believers, often courageous women leading the way. May the Lord draw us into this unity again as His return approaches.
The unity will come by ‘being about our Father’s business’ rather than by organisation.
God bless you and keep you.