18 Was no-one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Luke 17
The Lord had just spoken a word to ten lepers, lonely people isolated from all normal society. But, only one came back to thank Him and give praise to God, and he was a Samaritan, the least of the group. It’s interesting that their sickness allowed the Samaritan to mix with Jews, normal rules forbidding association seemed forgotten. Sometimes problems cause us to connect with people who aren’t our usual company and the Living Church should also be a mixing ground, unless it becomes stagnant without new members. The Bride Church will be from every nation, tribe and tongue, not monocultural.
15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17
We Believers often excuse ourselves and say we don’t have this or that spiritual gift, but the Lord commended the Samaritan for returning to GIVE THANKS AND
PRAISE for his healing. Barnabas, known as Son of Encouragement, was highly regarded and a powerful figure in the early Church. His character was recorded as an example for Believers of all ages.
It’s possible that the other nine lepers who had been healed were rejoicing so much at being back in society and no doubt the centre of attention that they didn’t return. Though they had been miraculously healed they immediately forgot the healer and many times we receive an answer to our heart’s cry, but forget to give thanks to the one who answered our cry.
“If we praise in the victory we’ll never have to beg (grovel) in defeat”, Jim Mckechnie
Barnabas’ gift of encouragement wasn’t for himself, he used it to build up those near him in the early Church. Surely we too should be aware of opportunities to build up fellow Believers and not tear them down. It’s such a simple thing and yet could make such a difference to the health of the Body if we grasped it. Self-centred people, so prevalent in this age, never think about affirming others, it’s not on their radar.
Those who sacrifice thank-offerings honour me,� and they prepare the way, that I may show them my salvation.’ Psalm 50
Will we be the one in ten today who thank God LOUDLY and PRAISE HIS GOODNESS AND FAITHFULNESS TO US?
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.