3 Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, IT SEEMED GOOD TO ME to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, Luke 1
The Book of Luke, so far as we know, was written by the only New Testament writer who was a Gentile. (Luke also wrote Acts) We know someone who is an investigator in their professional life, who loves this book and the style of the writing.
As I read the initial verses this morning I was impacted by Luke’s opening statements.
1 MANY HAVE UNDERTAKEN to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eye witnesses and servants of the word. Luke 1
Evidently Luke the Doctor wasn’t the only one with the idea of writing ‘an account’ of the life of Christ on earth, but Luke had decided TO MAKE HIS OWN CONTRIBUTION! He didn’t say some of the leaders in the Church told him to do it. (Luke travelled with the apostle Paul) Nor did he say he’d had a word of personal prophecy, to do it. Something which is very prevalent among Believers seeking guidance in the present day Church. No, ‘IT SEEMED GOOD TO HIM’, his gut feeling was positive.
Let me say two further things, Luke said, ‘he had CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED’. He had first hand access to the leaders of the early Church and he’d talked with them and heard all they had to say. When we begin to investigate or involve ourselves in certain situations then the Lord can open things up for us to know more. Careful investigation goes much deeper than a superficial glance and it may be that God’s Spirit is saying there’s more for us here to consider. Something alive and active within us may be God’s leading to go further.
The second point is that this was A GOOD FIT FOR LUKE. Luke the doctor was an educated man and had the ability to write an accurate account in his time. Many of us have significant gifts which the Lord can use when we begin to step out for Him. Luke only mentioned one person to whom he was writing, Theophilus. He may not have known that his account was to form one the four Gospels in our New Testament.
Is God speaking to some who will read this short message, to STEP OUT AND MAKE YOUR OWN CONTRIBUTION TO THE KINGDOM? Don’t worry that there are others on the field (other accounts), nor that very few (Theophilus) may initially here of it. If God has put something in your heart and it’s not going away, then you need to go forward and do something with it. Don’t hold back! There’s great satisfaction and fulfilment in taking up the challenge. He wants you to succeed and He’ll make sure you will.
God bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us!