11 The Lord said, ‘GO OUT AND STAND ON THE MOUNTAIN in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’ 1 Kings 19
We saw yesterday that Elijah had fled from the threats of Jezebel, the queen who supported the prophets of Baal. The man of God had won a great victory and Israel had turned back to worship the living God. In today’s language we might say that Elijah had a bad case of burnout, he simply couldn’t take anymore and now he was hiding in a cave on Mount Horeb. The first step in Elijah’s restoration was God’s command, ‘GO OUT AND STAND ON THE MOUNTAIN ‘. God didn’t go inside the cave to meet with Elijah, He called Elijah out onto the mountain.
THEN a great and POWERFUL WIND tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE WIND. After the wind there was an EARTHQUAKE, BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE EARTHQUAKE. 12 After the earthquake came a FIRE, BUT THE LORD WAS NOT IN THE FIRE. And after the fire came a GENTLE WHISPER. (Still small voice NKJV) 1 Kings 19
God demonstrated His power to Elijah on the mountainside, but God wasn’t in those awesome events. Believers must distinguish between supernatural power demonstrations and the presence of the Lord. When God did finally reveal Himself, after the ‘Supernatural Fireworks’, it was in the Whisper. Can we get still enough to hear the Lord’s Whisper? It’s so easy to miss a Whisper, but God didn’t shout at His prophet nor does He speak harshly to His children.
God recommissioned His servant Elijah to GO and carry out the next steps in His plan for the future of His people. God is working out His steps for His people on earth again in the present day, the enemy has oppressed God’s people for too long. God isn’t going to settle for a partial victory. So good that God cares for both the individual and the people, He wants the best for us all, but we have to walk that out with Him in this fallen world.
The Lord bless you and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.