16 Long life is in her (Wisdom’s) RIGHT HAND; in her LEFT HAND are riches and honour. Proverbs 3

16 Long life is in her (Wisdom’s) RIGHT HAND;
    in her LEFT HAND are riches and honour. Proverbs 3

Proverbs 3 outlines the many blessings of Wisdom and speaks of Wisdom as a female person. The blessings of Wisdom are not limited, blessing in both hands for those who seek and find her.

13 Blessed are those who FIND WISDOM,
14 for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 3

Christ has become Wisdom for Believers today (1 Corinthians 1:30) and we have a better Covenant through Him. There are many blessings still to be uncovered for Believers in this present time when we’re willing to seek the Lord for them. Christ’s Body is still growing and developing to this day and God always has  more for us.

20 My son, pay attention to what I say;
    listen closely to my words.
21 Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
22 for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body. Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4 also calls us to ‘Pay attention’ to God’s Words and ‘Hold fast to them’. Again there are great blessings for living and walking God’s way. The chapter ends with a caution to keep on a straight path and not to allow ourselves to be distracted or diverted from God’s way for our lives.

25 Let your eyes look straight ahead;
    fix your gaze directly before you.
26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
    and be steadfast in all your ways.
    keep your foot from evil.

A final scripture from the Wisdom Writings is given in the Book of Ecclesiastes,

10 As dead flies give perfume a bad smell,
    so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honour.
    but the heart of the FOOL TO THE LEFT. Ecclesiastes 10

God’s Word is a safeguard for us but our own hearts can deceive us and take us along dangerous paths. If we feel our desire for God and the things of God ‘Cooling within us’, that may be a warning for us to be careful about the course our lives are taking. As we saw on Monday in Isaiah, God’s Spirit speaks into our lives to Guide us and help us.

21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ Isaiah 30

May we be sensitive to His leading and walk as He directs.

God bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.


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